“How I choose my books” Tag!!

Hello readers!! Random life update before I start: it’s my birthday in less than a week and I miss my friends from India so much!! Because I still have a pretty new friend group in Singapore, I decided not to do anything for my birthday this year, and I’m so sad about it because that means I wont get books as gifts! My friends in India ALWAYS gifted me books because they knew that that’s the only gift I’d actually love, and I’M SO SAD I’M NOT GETTING BOOKS FOR MY BIRTHDAY THIS YEAR. NOW I’M GOING TO HAVE TO SPEND A LOT TO BUY BOOKS, BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY BOOKS I NEED TO BUY RIGHT NOW. But stopping my rant (for the time being atleast) it’s time for another tag! I was nominated by the wonderful Nerd Narration for this tag! Be sure to pingback to her post here for some great answers for this tag!!

So let’s get right into the tag!!

1) Find a book on your shelves with a blue cover. What made you want to pick up this book?  Lyrebird by Cecelia Ahren.


I was going to say TFIOS for this, but honestly it’s such an overused answer that I decided to choose something different. Why did I pick up Lyrebird, you ask? THE COVER IS GORGEOUS. IT’S SO AESTHETIC. Blue is my favourite color, and if you’re gonna show me a blue THAT PRETTY, you can definitely expect me to pick it up and run away. Also, I’ve read Flawed by Cecilia Ahren, and I’d quite liked it, so I decided to give this book a go.

Think of a book you didn’t expect to enjoy, but did. Why did you read it in the first place? Switched by Amanda Hocking

Switched (Trylle, #1)

UGH this book is a guilty pleasure of mine. I didn’t really think I would enjoy it, because no offence to any trolls reading this, but a book about TROLLS? How can I read a book about TROLLS? They’re the tiny, ugly, green things! (I’M SO SORRY TO ANY TROLL READING THIS) I actually really enjoyed this book, even though it stands for most of the things I dislike with a deep passion. (insta love, love triangle, jealous ex, etc,etc) BUT I CAN’T HELP IT, I REALLY LIKED IT.

 Stand in front of your bookshelf with your eyes closed and pick up a book at random. How did you discover this book? Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan.


The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus, #3)

Ohhh it’s really co-incidental that I picked this book, because I have quite the story behind it. So I read this book for the first time at the end of grade 6. I was moving to Bangalore, and one of my friends from Delhi had gifted this to me as a farewell present. The stupidity- I’d never read a single Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus book before this. Infact, I didn’t even realize until I finished the book that this is a part of a series or something, I’d practically never heard of PJo! I remember being really confused about some things when I read it, but I was so dumb I didn’t realise it’s not the first book! Only later did I get to know that, and this is the super weird way my crazy Percy Jackson story started.

 Pick a book that someone personally recommended to you. What did you think of it?  Magisterium by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black.

The Iron Trial (Magisterium, #1)

One of my friends, who is a fellow Shadowhunter enthusiast, recommended this book to me. Suffice to say, I absolutely loved it, and that shouldn’t be a surprise cuz I love everything Clare writes. Heck, I’d fangirl over her grocery list if it was published. (I just realised that all the books I’m talking about seem to have blue covers)

Pick a book that you discovered through YouTube/book blogs. Did it live up to the hype? An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes, #1)

I’d discovered this book through book blogs, and the synopsis seemed pretty interesting so I decided to pick the book up. It totally lived up to the hype- I absolutely loved it!! It’s an amazing dystopian novel- I RECOMMEND IT TO EVERYONE.

Find a book on your shelves with a one-word title. What drew you to this book? Heartless by Marissa Meyer.


HA! What about this book drew me in? Was there anything about this book that DIDN’T draw me in? Everything about this boom screams “READ ME!!!” For one, it’s by the queen of retellings- Marissa Meyer. That’s reason enough to pick up the book. Plus, it’s a prequel to Alice in Wonderland, which is such a creative idea!! Have you not read this book? GO READ IT NOW. You can read my fangirly and spoiler free review on this AMAZING book here. 

What book did you discover through a film/TV adaptation?

I actually have no answer for this! I always read the books before I watch the movies, so there is practically nothing for me to put over here!

 Think of your all-time favorite book/books. When did you read this/these and why did you pick it/them up in the first place?  

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)

Percy Jackson forever!! It’s not the best series in the world, but it’s always going to be one of my favourite series. You can refer to the answer above for Mark of Athena for this, cuz it basically answers this question.



Fiction is Truth

The Infinite Library

and anyone else who wants to do this tag!!

That’s about it! I feel so bad for all the other colors cuz i only kinda featured blue books here, I’M SORRY COLORS. I LOVE ALL OF YOU. Thanks for reading guys!!


15 thoughts on ““How I choose my books” Tag!!

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  1. Thanks for the tag and happy birthday! I hope you end up having a really good day.

    I loved An Ember in the Ashes too, and that cover is so beautiful. Although I didn’t love the sequel anywhere near as much, unfortunately. I’m hoping for an amazing comeback with the third book!

    Liked by 1 person

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